Kreller Client NXT Energy Solutions Wins Major Contract

Posted By:
Kreller Group
July 18, 2019

Our client, NXT Energy Solution, was recently featured in for being awarded a major contract in Nigeria. The company also gives us a great mention in the article: “As Nigeria is a new jurisdiction for us, we conducted significant due diligence to ensure we understand the business environment with special attention to compliance with NXT’s Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy. I want to thank our advisors, especially Norton Rose Fulbright, Kreller Group, and our Board of Directors for providing guidance to ensure the integrity of these contracts.”

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For nearly 30 years, Kreller has relied on “extensive boots-on-the-ground” research, conducted by investigators who are well-versed in worldwide military, law enforcement, business and government matters to deliver the concise information our clients need to make decisions.


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