Complex Corporate Investigations

Kreller has been a critical partner to businesses in the corporate governance and compliance space performing complex business and corporate investigations and due diligence services for more than 30 years.

From compliance program building and training to pre-engagement ABAC due diligence; hotline and whistleblower investigations; forensic accounting investigations; and white-collar crime investigations, Kreller has led complex investigations and due diligence investigations for businesses with operations across the across the Americas, EMEA, and APAC.

Kreller industry experience includes Manufacturing, Technology, Retail, Energy, Life Sciences, Gaming, Defense, Telecommunications, Mining, Franchising, and Finance and Banking.

Development of Fraud Risk Management Programs and Training

General Fraud, Country, and Trade Compliance Risk Assessments

Establishment or Enhancement of Internal Controls

Continuous Compliance Monitoring, Testing, and Remediation

FCPA, UK Bribery Act, and EU International Corruption Law

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)


Fraud/Misconduct/White Collar Crime

Conflicts of Interest

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)

Import/Export Controls

Sales Agents and Consultants

Mergers & Acquisitions

Joint Ventures/Strategic Partners

Third-party Due Diligence

Customer Acquisition

Gaming Licenses/Probity Investigations

Licensing and Franchising Agreement

Sales Agents and Consultants

Senior Level Personnel Decisions

Asset Tracing & Recovery

Development of Fraud Risk Management Programs and Training

General Fraud, Country, and Trade Compliance Risk Assessments

Establishment or Enhancement of Internal Controls

Continuous Compliance Monitoring, Testing, and Remediation

FCPA, UK Bribery Act, and EU International Corruption Law

Fraud Risk Assessments

Evaluation of corporate compliance programs and internal controls

Fraud Risk Assesment

We help implement an effective compliance program

Department of Justice (DOJ) guidance is clear in its expectation that organizations have performed thorough risk assessments and have “implemented an effective compliance program and sufficient internal controls to detect and prevent” misconduct.

Kreller fraud risk assessments are specifically structured to demonstrate that corporate policies and procedures are well designed, “earnestly” applied, and “work in practice.” And, crucially, that any gaps in internal controls are identified, remediated, and continually tested and monitored.

Effective Compliance Program
Incorporating DOJ, COSO and ACFE best practices, Kreller deploys a phased approach to fraud risk assessment that is both risk-based and evidence-based and focuses on substantiated high-risk areas of concern. Importantly, because we only pursue corroborated evidence and do not chase every perceived gap, the cost-effectiveness of our investigations is significantly increased.

At the conclusion of the assessment, Kreller presents a findings report detailing risk priorities, gaps and actionable recommendations.

Inherent risks
Risk assessment heat map
Risk Matrix mapping best practices
Residual risk assessment

Kreller’s fraud risk assessment service is the crucial first step to demonstrating your organization is “earnest” in intent and “practice.”

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Forensic Accounting

Supply chain fraud investigations, asset tracing, and debt recovery

Expert, thorough, and cost-effective internal audit

Kreller forensic investigations deliver, expert, thorough, and cost-effective internal audit and controls reviews and investigations to uncover fraud and misconduct throughout the supply chain.

Expert forensic investigation requires the experience and expertise best suited to the particular type and scope of each matter. Vitally, deep knowledge of the culture, laws, language, and procedural nuances of the countries in which the misconduct takes place are prerequisite to uncovering financial fraud, the methods used, and the policies and relationships exploited to enable them.

Led By

Led by Investigators with extensive FBI, CIA, and DOJ experience

Kreller forensic investigations – which benefit from our investigators’ and analysts’ FBI, CIA, and DOJ experience –include when appropriate: expert interviews conducted in the local language; records reviews; in-depth analysis of financial records; hiring practices and records; targeted email and computer searches; mapping red flag relationships throughout the supply chain, including employees, vendors, intermediaries, and ultimate beneficial owners; and review of anti-fraud policies and procedures.

Kreller has also developed client-specific fraud testing and data analytics to successfully uncover unsuspected fraudulent activities taking place internally and across the supply chain.

Sample Kreller Forensic


Whistleblower allegations and hotline complaints of fraud in Central America


Allegation of bribery of foreign government officials in Central America


Embezzlement allegations in a Mexico City subsidiary


Bribery allegations in Mexico and Columbia


Vendor bid complaints in Mexico


Purchase department corruption in Mexico


ITAR, Import & Contract Violations involving the U.S., China, Israel, Mexico, and UK


ITAR and FCPA involving the U.S., Spain, and Libya


Accounts Payable and bribery in the UK and the U.S.


Bribery, bid rigging, collusion, conflict of interest, and vendor kickback schemes in Latin America


Procurement fraud schemes involving duplicate payments, ghost employees and vendors, and conflicts of interest, in the U.S.

Localized expertise across the Americas, EMEA, and APAC

Our findings are credible, thorough, and well documented to properly support any consequent legal, regulatory or law enforcement actions.

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Corporate Governance

Investigations of code of ethics violations, ABAC and local law violations, and litigation support.

We offer an effective, proactive & simpler approach and most importantly, not overly complicated to implement, monitor, and enforce.

Most organizations take corporate governance very seriously. The tone at the top is clear. The board of directors exercises independent oversight. Ethics and code of conduct policies are well documented and regularly communicated. A hotline is established, and complaint response protocols are codified.

However, for corporate governance to have the results intended, implementation – beyond being compliant to corporate policies, regulatory requirements, and ethics – must also be effective, proactive, and importantly, not overly complicated to implement, monitor, and enforce.

financial downtown

Results – even when necessary due diligence information is hard to come by particularly in jurisdictions where corruption is prevalent and necessary due diligence information hard is to come by.

While difficult – and costly – under ordinary circumstances, when organizations pursue new markets and business relationships internationally, the policies and procedures that may have sufficed in lower-risk domestic relationships will often prove insufficient: particularly in jurisdictions where corruption is prevalent and necessary due diligence information hard to come by. Leveraging 30+ years of experience – with by boots-on-the-ground investigators across the globe – Kreller is uniquely positioned to help safeguard your organization against corruption and misconduct.

Monitoring Critical Corporate Governance Protocols

Kreller routinely provides organizations – from SMB to Fortune 50 – the means to strengthen and monitor critical corporate governance protocols

Assess and enhance anti-corruption protocols, context, and training to employees so they can avoid corrupt activity and conduct international business ethically

Strengthen policies and procedures, and deploy preventative and detective measures to verify that employees, vendors, and intermediaries are conducting business in an ethical manner

Document policy and implementation soundness, and when necessary, perform investigations and remediations in support of internal investigations or regulatory requests

Incorporate country risk assessments (including political risk)

Kreller engagements are designed to achieve results that are attuned to your organization’s structure, risk profile, and culture. They are designed to achieve positive outcomes.

Want To Learn More?

Let’s schedule a call and discuss what Kreller can do to elevate Corporate Governance in practice.

Kreller’s due diligence team has been a valued partner to our company…Kreller delivers sound advice on many global issue and their services consistently support our company’s efforts to mitigate risk.

— Director of Corporate Compliance, Multi-billion-dollar Manufacturing Company


Learn about some of the work we have done for others

View All
Case Study - Mexico
Kreller China Case Studies
Case Study - South America




Countries Served


Years in Business

Enhanced Due Diligence

Risk-based OSINT and HUMINT due diligence services across the globe

Low-Risk Due Diligence

Comprehensive government sanctions, watchlist, and open-source intelligence

High-Risk Due Diligence

Intelligence acquisition with in-country boots-on-the-ground

Credit Reporting

Accurate, up-to-the-date credit reporting directly from the locus of inquiry


Brand Protection Managed Services

Detective and preventative measures to counter unauthorized resellers and win back the buybox


24/7 monitoring of more than 1,050 online marketplaces and other channels


Policy creation and enforcement strategy for authorized and unauthorized sellers


Communication strategy, escalations, takedowns, and legal action support
